With all of the people every year heading to a tattoo parlor, getting inked it is no wonder why there is a market of different types of tattoo machines that are able to be used in getting a person the look that they desire. Many of these tattoo machines are advanced and are able to give a better overall result to the person looking for a tattoo. The invention of the tattoo machine or gun as it is known these days, has allowed a person better control and more precision than previous models. There is a lot more detail that can be placed into a tattoo when a person makes the decision to get inked and not go with another symbol of pride in their life. These guns or machines, whichever you chose to call them, have made the process a lot quicker, and often times a lot less painful. Imagine had the machine not been invented, there would be a tattoo carved by hand into your skin, sounds fun right? Thanks to this invention, things are quicker and a lot less painful. As more and more places to get inked pop up, this leads to there being a need to see many of the different machines that were used needing to be replaced with new machines. This is a cost that many places have to pass along to the customers as a result of this. This cost many of the customers are willing to pay simply for the fact that they are able to ensure that they will get a quality product from a person that knows what they are doing. While these advances are giving the power back to the artist, there are some parlors that are passing the increase that they had to pay in an effort to get new machines on to their customers. Unlike many other services, there is little argument when it comes to this as a way to get a quality tattoo. This has also led to the designs having more life to them and a person even being able to go 3D with their ink. All of these advances are made within the last several years and has given rise to more possible advances in the coming years. Regardless of if it is the first or tenth tattoo, the tattoo machines of today are a lot more friendly and simple than their previous ancestors. Keep these facts in mind when you head to have your ink done on your body. Just relax and enjoy the experience, it is better than what your parents probably went through.