To Market, To Market; Mini Paintings....

It has been a very busy month for Jubly. I have been madly making stock for the Wintersun festival in Port Macquarie(only 1 week away eep...), and Worn Wild Alternative Market(June 25th) and the Roller derby match this weekend. I have been getting cleaned out at the bigger markets lately and so the aim is to have enough stock for everybody to get what they want.

I must admit making jewellery can sometimes seem like working in a factory and I chose to work for myself to escape the banality of factory or office life. My favourite bit of the whole process is drawing and painting new designs or just drawing or painting for the hell of it. Today I decided to creat a few mini paintings to fit some vintage frames that I bought from op shops and retrieved from junk throw outs. I buy so many wooden things at op shops that the staff constantly remark on it..."Gee, you must really like wood"...

I'll have these paintings at markets and festivals till I sell out or get bored making them. I like to offer people the chance to buy original pieces of art which isnt too expensive.